Saturday, August 21, 2010


The freshmen are starting to show up here at New Tribes Bible  Today was the first of two days of registration.  As I walked the halls today, I couldn't help but notice all the different looks on the freshmen faces. Some looked lost, some wondering what they had gotten themselves into, some ready for what ever life throws at them.  We were in the same boat last year at this time.  As we start our second year here at NTBI we are eager for what is ahead.  Classes start on the 25th, the summer went by so fast!  We find ourselves faced with a different set of circumstances this year, our house has SOLD, and I ended my employment with Michigan Packaging Company.  Both were bitter sweet.  After 10 years at MPC we decided it was time to take the leap and walk away from the steady paycheck to focus our energy on training.  We hope to develop relationships with people as I work odd jobs to fill the financial voids.  So as we press forward please keep us in your prayers. And if you have anything broken or in need of repair, let me know, if time permits I would love to help.

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