Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall is here!

So we are now in our 3rd of 5 blocks of classes here at New Tribes Bible Institute for the fall semester. Time is going fast! We have been busy with school, raising 3 little girls, fixing cars, building a rabbit hutch and any other odd job that I can do. So far this fall has been great, we have enjoyed many nights at Nonies and Boppies house and visits from from Miss Anna and Miss Sarah Potter. (Erin's roommate from her first time at NTBI) Anna and Sarah take good care of us, bringing food, gift, and help with house work every time they come. We thank God for great friends like them! Bow hunting has started here in Michigan, but I have only had the chance to hunt one time. I have 5 tags burning a hole in my pocket! Looking forward to cooler weather and less homework so I can get out there and harvest a couple. (If anyone needs me to kill their deer for them let me know :) )

We now have a different, newer van. Erin, Bella, and Tavy were in a minor accident this fall, no one was hurt but the van was totaled. The insurance payed us $2000.00 more than what we had paid for the van originally. So we were able to purchase a 2002 Pontiac Montana for $20 dollars more than what insurance gave us for the other van. :) We applied Dave Ramseys principles and had cash in hand. We paid $700 less than what they were asking. The Lord provides again.

Our church, Rives Baptist, needed a new roof. So I got to help with that this past weekend. We finished it in 2 1/2 days! The Lord gave us great weather without any rain. We had a great work crew that came out to help on the roof. The roof was 58 squares, which means 176 bundles of shingles (3,872 shingles), roughly 22,000 nails, just for the main roof. We tore off all the old which was crazy in and of itself. It was a big job but it was fun!

Octavia will be turning 1 year old on the 26th of October. It doesn't seem like it had been a year since we spend 11 days with her in RNICU at Sparrow Hospital. She never had any problems once we brought her home. She has been walking now for 3 months, and greats me with a HI DAH! every time I come home. Bella and Adels are doing homeschool in the afternoons. Bella is learning to read and Adells is not far behind. Bella is a craft and bug collecting maniac, while Adells loves her babys. Adells can spend hours changing her babys diapers and clothes. Then of course she has to feed her and start all over again. Bella has added a Raccoon skull to her already extensive bone collection and many insect to the bug collection. She has the best bug collection of any 5 year old I know :) They all share Erin and my love for the outdoors.

Well homework is calling so I must return to that, feel free to Facebook us or drop us a e-mail (timanderin.halstead@gmail.com) and let us know how you all are doing.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


The freshmen are starting to show up here at New Tribes Bible Institute.ntbi.org  Today was the first of two days of registration.  As I walked the halls today, I couldn't help but notice all the different looks on the freshmen faces. Some looked lost, some wondering what they had gotten themselves into, some ready for what ever life throws at them.  We were in the same boat last year at this time.  As we start our second year here at NTBI we are eager for what is ahead.  Classes start on the 25th, the summer went by so fast!  We find ourselves faced with a different set of circumstances this year, our house has SOLD, and I ended my employment with Michigan Packaging Company.  Both were bitter sweet.  After 10 years at MPC we decided it was time to take the leap and walk away from the steady paycheck to focus our energy on training.  We hope to develop relationships with people as I work odd jobs to fill the financial voids.  So as we press forward please keep us in your prayers. And if you have anything broken or in need of repair, let me know, if time permits I would love to help.